Saturday, November 1, 2014

[UNTITLED] (You name it!)

(Hello everyone. Before I begin typing, I want to let everyone know that I am from North Sudan. Much of my life I’ve spent outside my country, and so I don’t really belong anywhere. I have shut myself off from my own environment and scrounged the internet for reading material for the last 3 or 4 years. And in a time of great difficulty, and sheer hatred and despair, I wrote this:)

When the French stormed the Bastille, what did they ask of the future? That Robespierre rule over them with terror?
When the Iranians united in strikes by the tens of millions, what did they ask of the future? That Khomeini rule over them with dread and humiliation?
When Russian soldiers stormed the Tsar’s palace, what did they ask of the future? That they become Communism’s first guinea pigs?
When Khartoum rose in intifada in April 1985, what did they ask of the future? Omar al-Bashir, Hassan al-Turabi and Ali Osman Mohammed Taha?
When the country is on the verge of implosion,
and nobody seems to see it,
when the old Islamists are waiting,
when the nationalists are waiting,
to seize power,
when the military is weak,
when the mercenaries are willing,
when there lies no vision for the future ahead,
we should look to how Somalia fared
shortly after 1991.
There is no future where the past is a mystery,
There is no change when lessons remain unheeded.
There is no unity when a dozen parties fight for the throne.
There is no civilization when the people crave revenge.
In 2015,
The world will witness from North Sudan,
The worst acts of savagery done in years,
The wholesale destruction of Khartoum,
Mass murders with every round,
Starvation in Khartoum,
Fighting in the streets,
Killing over rations of food.
How blacks in America riot and rule over themselves,
So shall the people of Khartoum.
The outpouring of refugees
Into Europe
Who will demand, demand and demand,
Because they heard from their wretched homes
About those generous people who provide a whole living
Out of compassion
Then will they hit the tables with their fists
Demanding housing, clothing and flood,
And then will they rape the local women
And murder the local men
And molest the local children
Because that is their culture
The magnificent culture of the North Sudanese.
Either Sisi or Obama will come to the “rescue”
And invade North Sudan,
Better off Obama than Sisi
Better off Marines than Muslim soldiers.
Marines distrust and kill on mere suspicion.
Muslim soldiers rape young boys and girls.
The whining and complaining will stop.
The people of Darfur
The people of Kordofan
The people of the Nuba Mountains
The people of the upper Blue Nile
The Bejas
The Nubian-speaking Nubians
In the north
Will switch places with the Jalläb
Who will be cursed for their folly
For decades and decades
With humiliation and marginalization
With distrust and hatred
For being Arabic
For being chauvinist
For being cowardly
For being in denial
For being foolish
For being hateful
That is their price to pay
For 58 years of deeds done.
One day,
The wise
The hardened
The weary
The clear of vision
The acknowledging of truth
Because they have no reason to lie
Because they have nothing to lose
Will laugh at the fools
The Jallab!
For their stupidity
For their hubris
For their sheer cowardice
For their fleeing from reality
For their fleeing from death
For their pathological lying
For their lying to themselves
And convincing of themselves
That they are the most graceful creatures to sit by the Nile
That they are the most brave warriors to have never fought a war
That they are the most manliest of men
How they assert their manhood
By tying a long turban
By grooming a heavy moustache
By staring deeply
By appearing manly!
The meek will inherit the Earth
The meek will run the new state(s)
They will look at the Jalläb with pity
And shake their heads in contempt
At this pathetic creature
That has learned nothing new
That still hounds about its wounded pride
That still sings of false glories
That never happened in the past
That demands its day in court
For all the wrongs done to it.
But alas!
The Jalläb,
A submissive coward
A forgetful coward
A sensitive coward
A humorless coward
A sycophantic coward
A fearful coward
Will know its new master
The Egyptian soldiers?
The Ethiopian soldiers?
The US Marines?
With the Egyptian soldiers
Comes the Egyptian culture
With the Ethiopian soldiers
Comes the Ethiopian culture
With the Marines
Comes the American culture
When the Jalläb meets his master
The Jallab will know his master
The Jallab will submit to his master
The Jallab will copy his master
The Jallab will never insult his master
The Jallab will never take insult from his master
Without a whimper of protest.
When will the Jalläb become his own master?
When he stops bleating about 1899,

And looks to avenge for 1504

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