Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Love, Not Hate

All in this world have friends and enemies, and all must fight.

But you must love everyone, friends and enemies together. Loving your family and friends is nothing special, everyone does it because everyone can do it, but loving your enemies is against passive nature. To hate your enemies is not beneficial, not to you or to your enemy. Your enemy suffers by getting inflicted with what s/he does not really deserve. Is it fair to pay someone in the same coin, even as s/he lies in his/er grave? And the hatred consumes you and destroys you, even though it might not hurt your enemy. Though you might still destroy your enemy, you have ruined yourself. And still, it is the weak who only hate; the strong need hate no one. And still, hate is the daughter of fear, and fear is the daughter of weakness, and the strong hate not, because they fear not, because they are strong.

The urge to humiliate others, even complete strangers, but anybody who appears weak, is borne from weakness and revenge. The revenge to return wrongdoing from a wrongdoer more powerful than they, but still weak. The hatred and humiliation that boils inside ruins, and is not based on any just or rational principle.

Remember, to love your enemy, to understand the causes of his hatred and animosity towards you. The reason will have you feel sorry for them, but remember still to detach yourself emotionally, and to understand rationally, because you must understand that even a snake will bite you.

When you are wronged, remember: become strong by good means; and not by any means, because being the strongest 24 year old in a room of 3 years olds requires no effort of any kind. Become strong in yourself, suffer and suffer some more, until you become fearless and unyielding, until your wrongdoer fears you and looks at you in dread. They behave in such manner because they are crippled by fear and nihilism – remember that always.

Everyone gets what he gives, if you give hate, you get hate; if you give love, you get love. But who gave you love gets love in return; who gave you hate gets hate. Remember, even your wrongdoer is filling a debt that will be repaid to him/er in full. This is the law of the universe, the law as spoken through Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, and Buddha.

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