Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Sudanese Arab - who he was, and what has become of him

There are two kinds of slaves: those slaves who yearn for freedom, and those freemen who yearn for slavery.
I hope the Saudis capture the Nubian patois-Arabic-speaking Arab wannabes called the Sudanese Arabs, use them as slaves, and make their mental slavery physical slavery as well. They will be the 3abeed, and not the proud full-blooded Africans that get called 3abeed by them. They are first-class traitors and pathetic cowards, as recently demonstrated by their ability to fold quicker than new foolscap paper. God made them a slavish race; they've always been slavish and needed a benevolent master, whether that master was Taharka, Amanishakheto, Amerinids, Theodora the Queen, George the King, Barshambu, Solomon son of David (two Nubian kings), Bädi Abu Shulükh, the Mahdi who never was, or Isma3eel al-Azhari.
Boy do they fold. Cowards, quietly acquiescing to any humiliation from someone with a gun or a badge, or a true Arab.
The heirs of Kush, the greatest civilization in all of black Africa, who have built more pyramids than any other civilization (233), one of the earliest Christians, converting to Christianity before the Russians by 400 years and the Mexicans and Filipinos by a thousand years, who built beautiful churches, wrote Christian literature in the Coptic script, who expelled the Romans in 300 BC and the Arabs twice in AD 642 and AD 652, before Charles Martel would do so in AD 700s.
None of that matters to the present-day slaves of Arab reluctant-masters.
Learn your lesson. Never let Arabs into your country. Never let them build mosques or spread Islam as they so gleefully acknowledge out loud. The kingdoms of Makuria and Aloda paid the price for their Christian tolerance. The Bedouins scorched their land, greedily letting their camels overgraze on the fertile Nile valley, then fought one another on Nubian soil, then sacked Soba the capital of Alwa in 1504, letting the Funj swallow up their land and making their Christian subjects Muslims against their will. Those same Christians hadn't received Bibles or priests for decades before, and remained in a state of godless limbo, before giving up their lot and converting to Islam.
Even worse, the same Arabs who ruined their kingdom became their rulers, and the subjects not only converted to Islam but picked up their mother tongue Yemeni Arabic. They never mastered the language, eventually developing a pidgin Arabic form similar to Ebonics in America, called Sudanese Arabic. That language is simply Yemeni Arabic spoken by a Nubian and should be called Nubian Arabic. Many of the words in it like "zoal" (man), "aa-y" (yes), kadeesa (cat), "3angareyb" (bed) and "zeer" (a Nubian water-pot well over 4000 years old) are borrowed either directly or with slight modification from pre-existing Nubian dialects.
Marawi is the Arabic form of Meroé, at-Tukayna of King Takunna, and names of cities and towns like Dongola, Kerma, Shendi, Likaylik and Soba have no Arab origin. And yet, lies and lies and lies! One day, the truth will fall on these hopeless creatures like a sledgehammer on a nail. %$! 'em, ^%$ing bendovers.

Let the Saudis enslave them. But let the Saudis know: in a few centuries time, a Nubian-Arab mulatto will rise to the throne and rule over them, as happened before in ancient Egypt. 

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