Saturday, November 1, 2014

History is the best ever teacher!

It is more beneficent for the Sudanese people go through the rule of the People of Religious Obsession (Muslim Brotherhood, Wahhabis, Islamists). This experience will be very beneficial, as it will expose the extent of the fakeness of this group’s slogans. This group will control Sudan politically and economically, even if by means of the military; and the people will go through these two things. And they will prompt this country into a horror (fitna) that will turn its day into night – and the horror will end amongst them, and they will be routed from the land of Sudan forcefully!

(Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, “Dibaja”, 1984)


It came to be true. The People of Religious Obsession came to power on June 30 1989 in a military coup. They shut down newspapers, banned political parties and purged the military and judiciary of any non-loyal members. They took firm control of the economy, ruining the Gezira project and causing a nationwide starvation, devaluing the currency and bringing industrial production almost to a halt. The country went into a deep dark tunnel; time seemed to have stopped altogether; and horrors, never witnessed before in Sudan and distinguished throughout the world, in the prisons and battlefields and open streets, became distinctly Sudanese.

The beard-growers and ankle-flashers are evil, the spawn of hell and Satan’s little helpers. They must be crushed and made into pudding, so their whining and pouting and their bloodlust and consuming of people’s dignities must stop.

Now, 25 years later, the rule of the Islamists draws to a close and the country is on the verge of a military coup. The “people” (aka the Jallab minus everyone else) have learned nothing. They do not demand a new form of rule, but the fall of the current regime. If they could not learn from their own history, they could not learn from the January 25 revolution in Egypt and what it led to. They are the same kind who were happy to see Qaddafi fall but did not think one bit about what would happen after him. This is where Taha’s prediction went wrong.

The most revealing testimony to their learning nothing: ask any Jallab what he wants. They will reply: Sharia law with a Caliphate system, ruled by the Quran and Sunnah. They will say this because they are clueless and don’t really care about improving their lives or living it properly. They want to be served like kings and queens: they want to eat and drink and defecate and be mindlessly entertained and clothed in the finest fabrics.

No democracy, full secularism, and a bloody and nasty war on the beardos and legalese-speaking pedophiles is the only way forward. Let Kush rise once again from the ashes of the doomed Republic of Sudan. But first, Qaddafi (Bashir) will go, and then will follow the Islamist militias (the People of Religious Obsession who never really disappeared but shed old skin), and then will follow the real horror not yet witnessed.

Still, Sudan is a country waiting to be conquered. Its people sans the peoples of Darfur and the Blue Nile, known as the Jallab, are fresh meat. They are passive and easily submissive, taking any insult and humiliation with a simper or whimper. Their women are sharp-tongued and boss the men around, taking swipes at their manhood while the men look dead-faced.

The US is busy with Syria, and rearranging Iraq. If Bashar falls, Sudan is next. The media war will last a week or so. And Sudan will be taken like water from the ocean. No one except the lunatic will fight back against the US invasion. Of course, the anti-US resistance will be either under Omar al-Bashir, or a lunatic fringe who’s seeking power by mobilizing simpletons into jihad. Omdurman and Khartoum will be bombed to oblivion much like Fallujah in 2006. The Iraqi invasion will pale in comparison. White phosphorus will most definitely be used.

The day before the troops arrive at Omdurman, there will be massive demonstrations in Omdurman and Khartoum, where people will wave machetes and AKs, and chant genocidal slogans. This would be a show of force, which would be false and pathetic anyway. “1899” and “the men of Karari” and “General Kitchener” will pop out of the history books into the mouths of the demonstrators.

In such a case, one should refrain from fighting back, and let the troops enter Omdurman, as a counter-measure would be suicidal. In 1899, the men of Karari ran into landmines and an open shooting gallery set up by Kitchener and his men; the men of Karari rushed to defend themselves from petty schoolyard jabs at their manhood and bravery, sent from Kitchener to them by a trusty messenger.

The Marines will patrol the streets of Khartoum, the women will throw away their hijabs and mini-skirts will be spotted. The youth will ask for bars and clubs, which will be bombed by Islamists if such are allowed to remain in Sudan. The women will throw themselves into the Marines’ arms, and the first ever wave of honor killings might be witnessed. The men will no longer be able to call themselves men, and the already high suicide rate will skyrocket further.

The Arab countries will betray Sudan, one by one. They will mistreat the Sudanese refugees like they mistreat Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees. “3abd” (slave) will be a standard nickname. Human trafficking and organ harvesting, as well as bride shopping by pedophiles and gang rapes will victimize the Sudanese refugees further. This great betrayal will strike at the heart of the Jallab, who will be disillusioned with their alleged Arabness, and declare themselves Africans and Nubians.

In such a scenario, the Jallab will give up on honor, dignity and generosity. Sudanese society will become decadent: there will be rampant promiscuity, public drunkenness and an anti-Islamic hatred never seen before. Mini-skirts aren’t half the problem, as teen pregnancies will be so rampant that every girl would appear to have had one. God knows, even mafias might appear.

With time, the Jallab will stop speaking Arabic altogether, and American English will be cool and fashionable, until Sudanese English might replace Sudanese Arabic. Islam after then will be on the decline, and by a few decades might become a minority religion. Some will go and try animism, others Buddhism and Hinduism, others non-religious, others will revert to voodoo, but some will rediscover their roots and “go back” to Orthodox Christianity. A religious resurgence would ensure the dominance of Christianity over the others, which in my opinion just took a 510-year hiatus from the Jallab.  

For not knowing who you are, for having an identity crisis, this is the price you pay. One humiliation after another, and never a clear victory in sight, and never a victory that can be sustained. The Dinka says he is Dinka, the Fur says he is Fur, the Barti says he is Barti, but the Nubian calls himself an Arab-African blend, and the rest called him a Jallabi.

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