Saturday, November 1, 2014

My own little nuggets of wisdom

All those who speak Arabic generally look down on black Africans, even if they were black Africans who spoke Arabic.
The Arab worships and respects fair skin, pale smooth hair and Grecian features. And that he contrasts to dark skin, dark kinky hair and Negroid features.
The Saudi is a firm believer in eugenics. He chooses his bride on account of Grecian features and splendid beauty, thinking of his progeny. Shummar's offspring, the Shummari tribe, are the most prestigious and honored tribe in Saudi Arabia. They are also the whitest.
The Saudi worships the image of himself. He worships God only in theory.
The Saudi is a Muslim only in theory.
In practice, he is just a plain Bedouin.
The Saudi is a Muslim by way of promising words,
and a Bedouin in sincere action.
The Saudi is the true nihilist. He sees meaning in nothing, and for him, everything has either an instrumental purpose or no purpose at all. The only meaningful thing for him is the prospect of a hedonistic paradise that he doesn't deserve to enter.
The Lebanese bimbo is the Saudi man's source of revulsion and enchantment. He is disgusted and enchanted by her at the same time, creating a condition where he enjoys her antics in private and curses her in public. On YouTube, he privately enjoys her antics by watching the video, and upon completing the video and getting his fill, publicly renounces her in the comments section. (YouTube comments are public domain.)
The Arab is an obsessed busybody.
The Arab general fights bombs and soldiers with bombastic speeches and outright denial.
The Arab is always defeated,
because he never admits defeat;
he clasps at false notions of victory.
he does not learn what he did wrong,
and is humiliated again and again.
The Egyptian is anxious about the fact that he is not as great as he assumes. He demands lavish praise because, without it, he will feel worthless. He praises lavishly with the expectation that lavish praise is returned. It is not a problem to him that the praise is exaggerated or entirely false, he will praise.
The Arab-Muslim mocks when he is threatened.
The Muslim is the Arab's slave and the kafir's nuisance.
Arabs-Muslims do not hate the kafir,
but look down on them because they do not share their faith.
But they hate the kafir who attacked them,
and resent the kafir who makes fools of them.
All that would need is for a nearby kafir to be more successful and more dignified than the Muslim.
Arabs-Muslims hate freedom,
therefore they can never be free.
They deprive others of their rights,
and yet ask of others for their own rights. 
A tyrant over his inferiors is a slave to his superiors. Tyranny and slavishness exist in the same person, and when one goes, so does the other. A Muslim is a tyrant. His dealings with others are based either on terror or sycophancy.
A Muslim serves Allah like he serves his boss like he serves his parents like he serves his Imam. With feelings of terror and anxiety, and by way of false reverence and sycophancy.
The Muslim is surer to bless the tyrant and punish the rebel than fight for something meaningful or realistic.
Allah is tyrant over the Muslim, because the Muslim made him so. That others will not buckle under the false tyranny of Allah drives the Muslim into a state of psychosis.
Terror is the weapon of a Muslim.
Ambush and surprise are the tactics of a Muslim.
Because cowardice is the character of a Muslim. 
It is a mistake to trust any Arab.
The mufti (giver of fatwas) is a parasite who should be interned in a labor camp, or simply rid of with a bullet.

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