Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Puritanism is Weakness

We must shun Puritanism, and consider it evil as much as Bolshevism.

Muslim societies of today are puritanical. There is an air of tension and nervousness; everyone feels terrified and everyone terrorizes everyone else into compliance. There is an obsessive voyeurism everywhere, as your ins and outs are closely watched, and your habits and close intimacies slowly scrutinized, for gossip material and for comforting ridicule.


First of all, nudity and sex ought to be separated.


1. Let us view holistically, and let us draw the causes and the causes of the causes of any event. A mind that divides a whole into its compartments, and favors one compartment over the other, is perverted.

2. You ought not to look a stranger in his or her nakedness, and you ought to withdraw from a person whom you chanced to see naked in his or her seclusion. To not do so would be voyeurism, a sexual perversion.

3. We must return to nature. Nature gives us our vitality, which is the vigor of life; and not the material concrete jungle that we have built and that we immerse in. When we want to swim in a lake, we do not debate on swimwear: the best swimwear is one's own skin. All clothes have to be adapted to the water. But can you do so in a ferry? In a park? No, because such places are not secluded to begin with. (A park is a horrible caricature of nature, to make up for the lack of nature in a city.)

4. We have forgotten that many people in the past went naked because they could not afford to buy clothes or fabric to sew clothes. That was grinding poverty. Patches and rags were sewed to the only set of clothes one had, which were so shabby that we today would refuse to wear it. Such a situation of going around naked all the time was humiliating. One would feel savage and devoid of humanity, and prying eyes would only add insult to injury. What ought to be done here? Throw a hissy fit over the nudity? Look away in disgust? No: feed the hungry and clothe the naked.

5. Marry early and procreate.


Secondly, the following virtues must be insisted upon:

Humility over pride,

Self-control over lust,
of appetite - food - against gluttony;
of appetite - sex - against licentiousness;

Forgiveness over revenge;

Courage over cowardice;

Loyalty over treachery;

Will over submission;

Wisdom as master and mother,
over folly as friend and comforter;

No judgments before the facts are complete;

Painful truth over comforting falsehood;

Confession over reputation;

Charity over wealth;

Work first and leisure later;

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