Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tribalism is Natural and Necessary, Just Accept It

Tribalism is natural and unavoidable, it must be accepted. To eradicate tribalism, you must destroy the tribe by separating parents from their children and brainwash those children for a whole generation. 

Allow each tribe to maintain a court where it settles its own conflicts, or be their mediator and administer justice to them properly, if unjust, you will cause a feud and perhaps rebellion.

Solidarity between kin and extended families is natural, between disparates is not and is based on common hatred or a common enemy. To unite disparates in common action or unfamiliar brotherhood, you must direct their hatred towards a common outside enemy, or scapegoat one unfamiliar insider and direct the others in common persecution towards them.

Or the use of terror can quell natural conflict between kins and tribes, but such would be oppressive and might unite the disparates against the common enemy - the monarch.

Individuals can never become independent from others - and any gesture of independence is an illusion. The independent woman needs others at work, to get the job done, or even have others do the job for her. She needs love and affection, which is achieved by having a boyfriend who might move in with her with her. She needs sexual affection, which she interprets as pleasure, and so she might become promiscuous. Such a dysfunctional individual is part of a dysfunctional society that is falling apart and will have its ruin matured with time.

Self-respect is an Arabian concept that derives from strange and evil ideas of honor. It is the manifestation of a rotten essence, or an essence that is unclear or mystified (covered by mist - unclear to sight and therefore wont to deceive), or enchanting and exotic depending on who you ask.

Tribalism is natural, if kinship is ruined in favor of individualism and free association, then tribes will sprout up wherever possible. Emo subcultures and rock music fans are tribes: their kinship is based on shared preferences and not bioogical commonality, and they prefer the company of one another, even more so than their own siblings and parents. This is tribalism resurrected, but it is unnatural and leads to cults, which are institutions lead by a patriarch - cult leader, who determines the future course of the cult, and whose cult is completely at his will.


Tribalism can never be eliminated, and therefore we can never "move on" from it.

One common source is not sufficient to unite all the tribes of the world - but two tribes closer in origin to a third will unite the first and second tribe against the third.

A nation must be built on a solid foundation, and not to ideas derived from fancy or thought-contortions, much like the basis of the modern world. Hobbes and John Stuart Mill and Bertrand Russell did not understand or care for human nature.

A nation must be defined by common origin; and a state on a common factor and in opposition to a near or far enemy that threatens the existence of the state. 

Saudi Arabia is a state of 82 tribes/nations ruled feudally by one tribe, that is the monarch. Its basis is not just Islam, but Wahhabism, a corrupt and Hadith-loving form of Islam. And its enemy is Iran, the Shiite archenemy that unites Saudi Arabia's 82 tribes, mostly Sunnis but many Shiite, in common hatred. The Shiite tribes in Saudi Arabia are scapegoated, called traitors and agents of Iran, and their idea of taqiyya (lying about personal faith to save oneself from persecution) is used as the basis of distrusting them. Without Iran, it seems, Saudi Arabia would not be Saudi for long, but would be an Arabian land of 82 tribes thieving and destroying one another. 

If kinship is the origin of a nation, destiny is its purpose. Origin is not enough, there must be a purpose. What is the purpose of living this life, says the distressed contrarian? That question must be answered, though very few can actually answer it and most have an answer anyway.

To fulfill God's will, to adhere to God's laws and to obey God's commands is my own answer.

"A nation, irrespective of blood bond, is formed through a sense of belonging and a shared destiny."
- Muammar Gaddafi

The only mistake in Qaddafi's statement is "irrespective of blood bond".


The cult leader to the cult is like the monarch to the state and patriarch to the tribe.

The monarch has absolute rule over all his subjects, and his decisions are final beyond question. The patriarch makes decisions over his tribe, which are final and surpass even councils and meetings if checked by checks and balances of the council. 

Even the Vatican church has a supreme council which elects a Pope when needed, and the Pope's edicts and decisions must be obeyed by over a billion people worldwide.

Cults that are unnatural belongings of disparate peoples - even political parties are cult-like with their leader and elite and memberships - will lead to ruin. And that includes the degenerate subcultures, from scene to preps to nerds, from communists to Islamists to fascists, and so forth.

The African speaks of magnificent kingdoms: Kush, Axum, Songhay, Sokoto, Fulbe, Benin, Yoruba and so forth. But...where was democracy in each kingdom? Kush had an electorate that was very stricty appointed and consisted of priests. Sokoto had a shura, like all Islamic states, that was not elected but discussed issues and made decisions by majority vote or consensus, and the sultan had to obey the decision. The ulema in the shura were the elite of Islamic scholars, who were already a very small sector of society.

And still, I'm willing to bet that all those societies were feudal, with a majority peasantry who were very religious and obeyed the priests and sheikhs most of all. Three things that people look down on today.

Remember, nature may recede and disappear, but it comes back in full force and with a storm-like blow.

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