Thursday, November 27, 2014

Questions to the Muslim World

Muslims need to stop running away from the most urgent issues, and answer the following:

1. Where does it say anywhere in the Quran or the Hadith, that a woman should dress like this? And if so, how specific do the texts go?

Answer: no verse and no hadith says such a thing.

2. Is the Quran above the Sunnah? Yes?

3. Then why do you have 7 or 8 verses in the Quran that outright mention apostates, and none of them command that apostates be killed? Instead, they will "enjoy little and weep much" and "be punished in this world and the next"?

4. Why would the Hadith contradict the Quran on the matter of leaving Islam? Why would you honor the Hadith (the personal life, attested sayings and actions of Muhammad) over the Quran (God's words)?

5. What do you care so much about what others believe? Is it because you derive your sense of worth from them?

6. Smoking is forbidden in Islam by most scholars, though no verse in the Quran nor any Hadith mentions cigarettes or even tobacco. 

Now, is Facebook forbidden? Facebook wastes people's time and distracts one from salah. It also leads to fitna *wink wink*. 

7. If the Quran allows for apostates to live their lives, and you must acknowledge that with all your heart, why not leave it at that? Is it really that hard?

8. In the Hadith, it says that there shall be no caliphate until the Mahdi comes back. Well, has the Mahdi come back? Should we still have the caliphate?

9. Why would you renounce this dunya, and still seek glory in a restored caliphate?

10. Answer honestly: If "Islam will dominate Europe", will Europe become poor and chaotic? Will Islam dominate Europe, or will clever and charming white-robed demagogues dominate Europe? Will the ruling Islamist establishment rob the poor of their living and snatch girls off their homes and kill even their own comrades? [Only the honest answer.] 

11. Are you a bit embarrassed by the Sheikhs you honor? With their hideous look, their violent tantrums and their crocodile tears?

12. Is it alright if a Sheikh screams his lungs out about something that doesn't affect the worshiper' lives, and calls for blood and violence, as the worshipers look and listen? Would you do that in a cemetery, or a morgue, or a library, or a park, or a cafe, in the street? Then why do it in a sacred place?

13. Why are certain Muslim scholars, especially Salafi ones, obsessed with graves and cemeteries? Isn't that a little bit embarrassing? Where is the obsession with grave-visiting found in the Quran?

14. Is it really alright to target defenseless people, because a fighter jet from their country bombed the home of someone who should never speak his mind against you, and whose daughter would make a good sex slave for you?

15. Arrogance and haughtiness are detested in the Quran and Hadith. So why are so many Muslims so arrogant and haughty?

16. Can the average Muslim man of today get his mind off the thought of a naked woman? Why are there positive fatwas on female circumcision? Why are there so many fatwas on sex and masturbation? Is that embarrassing? Do the Sheikhs need to improve their image and obsess less about sex and genitalia?

17. How frequent is sodomy and pederasty among Muslim communities anywhere BE HONEST.

18. Bring me the verse from the Quran that commands that the fornicating girl be killed by her father or brother. Maybe you're being a hypocrite, Mr. Our-Religion-Our-Culture Rage-Meister?

19. Does the average run-of-the-mill Muslims lack humor, hate joy, fear love and throw violent tantrums when they don't get their way? Does that exist? Is there a reason why? Maybe depression, effects of abuse of all kinds, and the fact that an honor-based society covers it up, and the perpetrators tend to be parents, imams, teachers and other revered idols?

20. Tell me, I'm frank but friendly: are you embarrassed by the daily behavior and psychopathic antics of those who don't represent the real Islam in conferences and press releases? Will you ally with anybody to get rid of these psychopaths ASAP? If not anybody, whom?

21. Is there a Buddhist ISIS, a Christian al-Qaeda or a pagan Boko Haram? If so, how far does their damage extend? And why is there so much violence from those who claim to be true Muslims? Does it embarrass you? Does it anger you? I hope so.

22. If the West was destroyed tomorrow, would you celebrate or mourn? (Know where your benefit truly lies, then you'll mourn.)

23. Have the Palestinians jeopardized their own cause? Would they have a state by now if they weren't so intent on momentary revenge? When Palestinians on the street celebrate bloodlusting revenge by Hamas or PLO rebels on innocent civilians and not on soldiers, do you see something wrong? Do you ever see that rage turned on you when, God forbid, al-Qaeda militants are generously hosted by the military and political and religious elite of a Palestinian camp in north Lebanon?

24. Honestly, and in deep introspection: what business is it of ours to get so caught up with the Palestinians? They'd like a state, they want to reestablish the caliphate with Jerusalem as its center, they want to fulfill the Hadith of the Jew, they want to deport the Jews on the holy land back to Europe. Never agreeing to one vision, building castles in the air - why get behind that?

25. Be absolutely honest, don't deny and don't lie to yourself: is it easier to chill out with an Israeli guy or a Palestinian youth? Who's more likely to make you feel anxious? Who's speech and manners are more polite and refined BE HONEST.

26. Should we help Palestinians in their cause? What would an educated Jordanian say? What would an educated Lebanese say? What would an educated Egyptian say?

27. Can you deny this statement without cognitive dissonance: When Palestinians have their state, it will have been the sole efforts of kuffar, who would have kept the 57-state Muslim block from any assertive action whatsoever. 

28. Why is a Palestinian more likely to speak his mind, gain citizenship, vote and prosper in the United States than in Saudi Arabia?

29. If the Muslim Ummah is one body, and Netanyahu is hated for his policies and wars on the Palestinians, should Erdogan be hated for his policies and wars on the Kurds, who are also mostly Sunni Muslims?

30. Who does a Sunni hate more: a Shiite or a Jew? HONEST ANSWER ONLY.

31. Where are the protests and riots all over the world over ISIS's slaughtering of Kurdish Muslims? There were protests and riots all over the world over the Netanyahu's war on trapped Gazans!

32. Pakistanis pride on being Muslims and just that. Tell me, why does the Ummah still prefer India to Pakistan? Bollywood movies, Indian culture and better-looking people living better lives?

33. How many Muslim Zionists are there in the world? Can we say tens of millions? Can we say that they're Kurds, Bangladeshis, Lebanese Sunnis, Persians, African Muslims and other peoples despised or looked down upon by Arabs? Can we say out loud the reason why?

34. Do you like this?

How frequent is this in the Arab world? Will white, black and Hispanic Americans denounce this loudly, and castigate the one who does it in their own country? 

35. Tell me, is there someone depriving you of living the life you seek? An oppressive regime, un-Islamic scholars issuing fatwas through media outlets, or the US or Israel or sectarianism? I'll tell you when I see you depriving others of the life they seek. (Which you do at least once a day, O you who is oppressed!)

36. How much do you hate me for having asked reasonable questions? So much so that you want me to die? Be honest with yourself.

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