Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Second Deybäja


This work is dated about a month old, which I scribbled on to a notebook and completely forgot about.


Predicament is the fruit of one’s own work, it affects one’s own self and still must be afflicted in sharing on unsuspecting nearby people. The worst kind of civil war is between one and one’s own self, the whole one fragmented into two halves, each half warring the other half.

What God gave must not be rejected and must be accepted. One’s own constitution in total differs from everybody else’s, though one may share similar attributes with another. One ought not to look at another’s God-given attributes and then wish such attributes for himself. One ought not to look at another’s way of life and wish it for himself.

One who is secular in his politics and gentlemanly in his conduct, but pays his respects to sacred symbols and the concept of an Islamist state; one who resents a better and finds comfort in the wretchedness of another; one whose eyes are constantly watching the activities of another, and whose own approach to life is passivity – for passivity does not resist but submits; one who is without independent will; one who sits and wails in the face of “calamity”; will be defeated in battle and in ideology, and with defeat comes humiliation.

To kill is to rid of: to rid of the truth – if only for a while – by ridding of its speaker, to remain the best – if only for a while – by ridding of the better.

In a puritanical society, the individual is never considered, but society lords over every one. A puritanical society is not an organic being but a great image – like a massive mural or portrait – that obsesses over other’s opinions of itself, because from others’ opinions does it derive its own significance in the whole scheme of the universe. Others judge it to be absolutely good or absolutely bad. Good appears to be nothing more than compliance with and submission to the mores of society. The mores are either obligations or taboos – great forbiddens.

Purity of homogeneity is the purity that everyone must be the same, by complying with certain behaviors and mores, under the threat of violence, persecution or humiliation. In this society: there is no place for difference, and therefore, no place for anything new. Therefore the society rots.  

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