Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Arab-Muslim mindset

The A-M is wanting, and desperate in his want. Not just his most basic needs, but his hopes and aspirations as well.
The A-M never produces anything of his own, whether concrete or intellectual property. And he rarely earns his property, concrete or intellectual. He steals concrete property by direct robbery, or by fraudulent use of the law, or by taking spoils in war. He steals intellectual property by using it, and if asked about its origins, claims it as his own.
Has the A-M given up on this world, when he says, "My true life is in Paradise" and "I will be backward for the sake of my deen"? No, he has admitted defeat in challenging his poverty. But this defeat is without dignity. He would rather not lose face, and deigns to feign victory: I am poor but I am religious! You can have all the fortunes of this world; God is giving me my fortunes in Paradise, which you won't be entering haha.
(But still, the kuffar must not have those fortunes, unless I have them too! And I can take their property, including their women, as booty too!)
When the A-M says his life is in paradise, and not this world, this shows his sense of entitlement. Give me, give me, because I deserve it, because I believe in the right thing, though I haven't earned anything by doing anything. Because the A-M is Muslim, he's going to heaven for sure. He need not worry about improving his condition in this life, because it's not worth it.
How easy is it to get to heaven? As easy as a few simple instructions. Doing the hard things, like telling the truth, acknowledging the painful reality, being honest when it is harmful, disciplining one's self, is no easy requirement to enter heaven. Doing easy things like praying five times a day, reciting the Qur'an without ever having to understand what it says, and appearing pious only superficially, are simple requirements to enter heaven.
Does the A-M ever reject the numerous benefits allowed to them: free housing, free education, free healthcare, and monthly allowance without ever having to work for any? No, because they are not ascetics or monks. They crave the good stuff but are too lazy to work for it.
The A-M's condition in this life is poor, so everyone else's condition must be poor. What the A-M doesn't acknowledge is that he failed. Because he failed, nobody else must succeed. Those who succeed must be brought down to below his level. To see kuffar and ajam on top of the A-M is painful to the A-M.
What does this say? That the A-M craves the good things of this world, despite having given up on trying improve his life. And he wants to be on top of everybody, and to have more than what everyone enjoys. If he can't be on top of everybody, then nobody can be below him. Otherwise, he is humiliated.
The A-M wants to be chosen, wants to be special, and wants to belong to something great, whose greatness exceeds the lives of its adherents. The A-M becomes Muslim. He enjoys something that is only for the privileged, for the believers. Those who are outside the circle are unchosen, and by not following the teachings of Islam, they are lowly and contemptuous. Their behavior is contemptuous, their way of life is contemptuous, what they believe and they hold on to is contemptuous.
The smirk on an A-M's face is the look of arrogance. The look of hatred on an A-M's face is the look of one who was challenged or rightfully confronted. The look of pained anxiety on an A-M's face is of one who worries about his good name being tarnished in the eyes of his fellow A-M's (not the kuffar's though.)
Smug, hateful and anxious: these are the three basic expressions on an A-M's face. The eyes are sunk lower, the eyebrows either frowned or not, the corners of the mouth raised, the smile slight and cunning: this is the smug face. The eyes are sunk lower, the lips narrowed and puckered, the eyebrows either slightly or intensely frowned: this is the hateful face. The eyes are wide, the eyebrows frowned intensely, the lips slightly puckered: this is the anxious face.
The A-M is smug when confronting his prey, hateful when confronting a challenging contender, and anxious when helpless before his enemy. A-M women and girls differ little in this regard. The A-M is also smug in praise, hateful when envying another, and anxious when a scandal is about to break out.
What the kuffar have earned, what the kuffar have produced, that is good and wealthy, the A-M is entitled to. Entitlement once again. The A-M takes from the kaffir what he has never earned, but deserves by virtue of being Muslim. The kaffir makes, the A-M takes. The 3ajam makes, the A-M takes. This is ingrained deeply into the A-M's mindset, and questioning his right to it is questioning the core of his identity.
The A-M is perpetually angry, with unresolved problems, and ever ready to break out into violence. What angers him is those who have wronged him, and those who have taken the side of the wrongdoer. This is a common phenomenon in A-M countries. Injustice is common, thanks to the pent-up hatred of A-Ms, and their penchant to destroy what they never made and they can never have (envy). The worst judge is an A-M judge.
The A-M hates human rights and thinks it heretical to Islam. He hates the concept of people happy and enjoying rights, as he is miserable and deprived of his rights. And the A-M hates justice. But he wishes human rights for himself, and wishes justice to be done for his sake. For this reason, as a prisoner of war, he crows for rights he will never give to others, and demands justice that he would hate to see given to his belligerent.
For this reason, an A-M prisoner of war should be stripped of his last right, and his day in court made a show-trial akin to Stalin's trials. The only kind of court an A-M criminal deserves is the only one that he can make: a kangaroo court.
The A-M is extremely cruel, knowing nothing of mercy. Hurting others, to him, is victory. Mercy to him is weakness. Pleas for mercy mean that his victim is finally weak and ready for the kill.
He will kill and overkill. The A-M doesn't just kill, he mutilates. Killing is not enough, mutilation is not enough, no, burning is not even enough. The A-M is never satisfied in his revenge. Even afterwards, he is still wanting in more revenge.
Imagine the anger, the pent-up rage on having been done wrong, perceived wrong, either real or imagined. And finally comes the moment of redemption. Destroy! says his mind. There is never enough destruction. Finally, the wrongdoer gets the justice that was never handed to him by his judge, or the police.
Fighting back against A-M aggression is necessary, and no mercy should be shown to him, despite calls for mercy, because mercy is only a weapon in his hands. Killing him IF necessary must be done, and the one fighting back should have no qualms about killing, as his victimizer has none about killing him.
The A-M: a thief, a wrongdoer and a destroyer.
The A-M is naturally a slave, and naturally a tyrant. Tyranny and slave-mindedness exist in the same person. One needs the other; one cannot do without the other. A slave-minded person, who accepts his slavery as necessary and good for him, is a tyrant to his subordinates, and a sycophant to his superiors.
The A-M metes out disgusting and obnoxious sycophantic behavior to his superior, whether his superior is his parent, his boss, his teacher or professor, his president or God.
Notice how the A-M relates himself to God? In his supplication, he makes God a tyrant, who demands that He be showered with endless praise before one simple thing can be asked of Him. (Not to say insolence and thanklessness is how a worshipper should ask of something from God.)
He unconsciously does the same for his other superiors: his boss, his professor, his parents. He showers them with all kinds of praise, whether imagined or real but exaggerated (but not the kind of praise he gives to God), before asking for one simple thing.
And he demands the same from his subordinates. God has his own Will, he gives to whomever he wants, and takes from whomever he wants. And so, it is the same with the A-M. He accepts to fulfill demands or rejects fulfilling them according to his own wishes. His subordinates either bite the bullet and shrug their shoulders, or jump for joy that their superior accepted their demand. Is that not tyranny?
This is deep in the A-M subconscious: to enjoy over subordinates what God naturally enjoys over mankind. They strive to have a bit of God's powers and privileges. That is their will-to-power. They desire to be worshipped, not by prostration, but by words of praise and hand-kissing.
The paganism of the Arabs has never departed, as A-M's seem to venerate the black stone, a copy of a Qur'an, the remaining hair of Muhammad (s), the imam and "scholar" (who have a certain sanctity not shared by others) and much more.   
The lowest subordinate is the jobless black woman, who is disabled, who is a bastard child, and who broke one of A-M society's most delicate rules. The highest superior is God, chauvinistically called by His Arabic name, Allah. The most disgusting and obnoxious sycophancy is meted out to God, the most horrible and depraved cruelty is meted out to the lowest subordinate for being in her bad fortune.
A tyrant on the throne does not necessarily mean tyrants in common society. But a tyrant elected to office means a tyrant picked out from a common society of tyrants, especially if that tyrant comes from modest beginnings and speaks in the common language. This is the source for the Arab spring's failure.
The A-M is strong before the weak, and cowardly before the brave. He is either your slave, or your superior, but never your equal. If you hate having him be your superior, make him your inferior. Do not wrap your arm around his shoulder and call him your equal. By that, he's seen an opportunity to overcome you, and you will pay the price.
The A-M is a cannibal. Not a literal cannibal. But one who kills his own, his own daughter, his own wife, his fellow A-M, over a petty (non-)crime. He hates his daughter, and hates his femininity. He is driven to a wild out-of-control rage when he finds out that his daughter has committed an act of indiscretion. Like a newly-made zombie, he acts to kill without thinking twice, and feels no remorse afterwards.
Instead, he feels satisfaction, because his dignity has been restored. When his daughter had sex outside of marriage, his manhood was gone. His own daughter, he thinks, committed this unspeakable sin?! What will the neighbors think? he thinks to himself. Such questions drive an A-M to the edge of oblivion.
Why does the murdering A-M kill so easily, you ask? Because his conscience is always clear. He is self-righteous, meaning he can only do well, and he can never do any evil. If he did evil…it was necessary, or it was a good, and how dare anyone question otherwise!
When one's conscience is always clear, one can do any evil, and not be affected by it. One can kill, and that killing was necessary, or that killing was done in the name of good. Killing in God's name is holy, because God is holy, and God prescribes for man only good and never evil. Therefore, how can killing in God's name be evil? So goes the thought.
Why is the A-M a cannibal? Because 1. He doesn't mind his own business 2. He cares about other people's business, and what they are up to 3. He cares deeply about other's opinions of himself.
When was the last time an A-M lost himself in the demands of a mind-taxing affair, forgetting all what was around him?
The A-M has two watchful eyes and a divided concentration. A part of his attention is busy watching the environment surrounding him, lest something unusual happen, and he spies with his little eye, and later tells his idle friends of a funny story that just happened. Or watching for an unusual person or an enemy, so that he spring into action and attack. The other part of his attention is inadequate for the task at hand.
The little eye also spies on women, young, unmarried girls, watching closely what they're up to. Should they commit a horrible deed, their deed will be documented, spread to the last corner of the neighborhood, and the indiscretionary woman judged. Big Brother has always been watching everyone in the Muslim society, because Big Brother is everyone in the Muslim society.  
There is a Youtuber, not famous enough to be mentioned here, who is an active sport in more ways than one (sans dirty language). One of his favorite things to do is to go to different cities around the world, and ask random locals in the street, "What do you think of Arabs?"
In other words, "What is your opinion of me?"
"Why does he care for another person's opinion?" you might ask. The A-M will agree with the nature of the question, and will add declaringly, "You shouldn't care about what others think."
Ask him, "Why do you care for the people's opinions?" "Because," he answers, "because…" The people's opinion matter, because they hold his honor. What is the A-M concept of honor?
Honor is how other people regard the A-M. The A-M does not derive his worth from discipline or achievement, but the opinion of others. For this reason, he is constantly conscious of himself and constantly trying to please the people by acceding to their demands. They demand at the spur of the moment, and their demands are unrealistic and taxing.
The orthodoxy of Muslim society is strict and exact, thus being harsh and confining. The orthodoxy of Muslim society covers all aspects of human life, thus it is totalitarian. The life of Muslim society is one of despair and deception, lies and hypocrisy.
An A-M's honor, if dragged through the dirt, must restore its lustre. The people demand the right thing, and demand that honor be redeemed. Honor can be redeemed by anything from ostracism to killing.
When you walk down a neighborhood of A-M, it is instinctively felt, you are being watched. You become conscious of your own movements, and feel anxiety.
As a matter of fact, everyone around you is watching everything around them, though they seem busy. Everyone is busy talking about the unusual thing that is you, because you are unusual, though they seem busy talking about something else.
Slowly, the tension builds, and the portent nears its actualization. Portent is the golden word: the fear that at any moment, sudden mindless violence will break out just around the corner. "The temperature is at boiling point", said an Australian journalist when he was "hemmed in" by a crowd of Wahhabi predators harassing the renegade A-M next to him.
The hostility is felt just before the blow. They try, by hook or by crook, to justify hitting you. It doesn’t matter if you did anything wrong, they want to hit you, strike you a blow. Why? Because they hate you. Why do they hate you? Because you, not you but your government, "killed their brothers and sisters in Muslim lands" (whom they would hate, had they an opportunity to live side by side with them).
Notice that they cannot mask their anger. It appears in their face and their finger-jabbing. And also: that they're impatient, and can't wait to hit you. They keep escalating because they can't wait any longer: they must hit you.
And perhaps the reason for hatred is deeper. 
They hate the Norwegians who inhabit their Norway, they hate the Brits who inhabit their Britain, they hate the Jews who share their France. Why do they hate the British, the Norwegian, the Jew?
The Briton is dignified, and the A-M is not. The Briton is free, proud of his freedom and doing what he is free to do, and the A-M can only do the good and the evil that his imam shoves down his throat and threatens to punish if violated. The Briton loves and is loved back, the A-M can only hate and hates back in revenge. The Briton is wealthy and happy, the A-M is not.
The happiness, the joy, the freedom and the dignity off the Briton feels like a dagger in the heart of the A-M. The A-M instinctually hates the European. It is a feeling as primary as hunger. Osama bin Laden once said, "Ever since my childhood, I have always hated Americans." The Americans were the thorn in his side. He studied in America, and hated Americans and hated their culture. Instinctively.
They gladly take benefits and human rights from their European country of adoption, and give hatred, hostility, murders, assaults and rapes in return. This does not include every A-M, but only the orthodox A-M, who either carries out the crime, or actively supports it, or tacitly supports it. They build the mosques with the blessings of the local governments, and use the mosques to preach hatred against them, not to mention overthrowing the government of their adopted country.
(In the Quran, rebellion against the state is punished with either 1. Death, 2. An arm and a leg {literally}, or 3. Expulsion. And Islamic scholars are on a consensus: that Muslims should obey the laws of a land within the House of War, and should the adopted land persecute or make the lives of Muslims difficult, the Muslims should leave that land to the House of Islam. The run-of-the-mill imam is conveniently silent on these two little facts.)
The A-M suffers from neurosis. This is because he believes in absolute purity and achievable perfection. Purity is homogeneity, that is: a thing being consistent throughout its material contents. Purity of deed means never, ever sinning; and doing only one good after another. Purity of society means (i) everyone being of the same religion or race, and (ii) everyone being pure in deed.
What is impure? What is tainted with something different, not necessarily something filthy i.e. repugnant to the human senses. Fecal matter and urine, for example, are repugnant to the human senses: they smell bad and they look disgusting. Loose, flirtatious behavior is not repugnant to the senses, in fact, is actually refreshing and exciting; but the bad taste it leaves afterwards is repugnant in more than just aesthetic form.
Purity can never be attained absolutely. You can never keep clothes completely clean from dirt. You can never keep yourself away from sin. Your clothes must have some trace amounts of dirt, you must have committed some kind of sin even yesterday. To believe that it can be attained absolutely is a delusion.
The A-M conflates different with filthy. Both are impure, but one stands out in the midst of sameness, the other stands out in the midst of cleanliness. If sameness and cleanliness are the same thing, then their opposites, difference and filth are the same thing.
Is the Christian who believes differently filthy? Is the liberal Muslim who dissents filthy? Is the girl who fornicated with her lover filthy?
What is a pure Islamic society, as proposed by a bearded ogre? One, where everyone believes not just in the same essentials: God and his state of being just One, the Angels and jinn's, the prophethood of Muhammad and the divinity of the Qur'an; but also think alike in every little thing. One, where everyone is pure in action, always doing good and never doing evil.
In this society, there is no place for anyone who believes differently. There is no room for Christians, there is no room for Druze, there is no room for Jews. And in this society, there is no place for dissenters who differ on small technical issues. These people violate the sameness of the pure Islamic society. This society is pure, and innocent of your filth (read: differentness)! so goes the angry beardo.
In this society, everyone is doing good, and never doing evil. Those who do evil taint the active purity of the Islamic society, the purity in the action of its individuals. These people violate the actual sameness of the Islamic society by behaving differently. This society is pure, and innocent of your filth (read: differentness)! so roars the irate ogre.
Orthodoxy, absolute and pure, all around.
Perfection is the A-M's aim. It is pronounced in every aspect of his life: his prayer, his clothes, his (re)production of art.
In his prayer, he seeks absolute orthodoxy, by reciting exactly what is supposed to be recited in each station of each unit of prayer, and he seeks perfection by absolute orthodoxy and painstaking choreography.
In his clothes, he wears his traditional clothes, but keeps it painstakingly clean and flawless. The Muslimah is painstaking about her manner of dress: she takes extra care to cover the corners of her face with her hijab and she takes extra care to make sure her dress does not even suggest even the slightest angle of her feminine curvature.
In his songs, he does not produce anything new, but is painstaking about getting every lyric and every melody of the song exactly as it is in the original production.
In his printing of the Qur'an, there is not a single mistake in the wording, lettering or even the curve of a letter throughout the entire copy. This is about 300,000 letters and 29,000 words.
Painstaking dedication to the highest authority (God), painstaking dedication by painstaking orthodoxy to established rites and traditions, and painstaking dedication with perfection.
Tyranny, purity and perfection.
One of the most important aspects of modern Islamic culture is the idea of purity. God forbade man the eating of pork, the drinking of blood and the drinking of alcohol. But did he ever say that, to have it on one's clothes is to make that cloth impure? No. It came from the "scholars", who by ijtihad (personal effort in coming to the truth), found that alcohol, pork stains and blood on one's clothes make that cloth impure, thus with it, one cannot pray, hold a Quran in one's hands, or go around the Kaaba.
How does this register in the mind of an A-M simpleton? Alcohol is filthy, pork is filthy, those Westerners eat pork and drink alcohol, those Westerners are filthy, their women are filthy. Alhamdulilah, he says, I am pure! Pure of impurities not repugnant to the senses, but outside of the established orthodoxy.
The A-M:
insolent and arrogant in prosperity,
angry and hate-filled in poverty;
covetous, desiring of luxury;
rapine, desiring of women;
loving the glory and wealth of this world,
and optimistic and certain about the glory and wealth of the next world;
chosen by Allah and proud,
looking down on those who willfully remain unchosen,
looking up on those who are holy in attire and manner;
believing of mortal perfection,
and striving to absolute purity.
He can live with similars,
but must be above or far from differents.

And is one of the main problems of the 21st century. 

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