Sunday, November 16, 2014


Hello. I found this material from early 2014, probably from around April, that I scribbled onto a notebook, after having typed it on a little phone a month or two before. This does not resemble the original, but it was in my salad days, long before the true suffering.


All Paraphrased.

Envy is base, the envious base. (Aristotle)

The envious compares one good to another good, and never admires one without the other. (Bertrand Russell)

No comparing, no envy. (Francis Bacon)

But remember,

Envy is a form of praise. (John Gay)

Envy aims very high. (Ovid)

No admiration, no envy. (Aeschylus)

Of fortune…

Nothing sharpens sight like envy. (Thomas Fuller)

The envious counts others’ blessings instead of their own. (Harold Coffin)

Admiring others’ fortunes makes one dissatisfied with his own fortune. (Cicero)

The wicked admire others by envying and hating them. (Victor Hugo)

Of doing…

The watcher envies the doer. (Jim Rohn)

Of being…

One flower need not envy a garden of thorns. (Rabindranath Tagore)

But remember,

Better envy than pity. (Herodotus)

Sympathy is free, envy must be earned. (Robert Lembke)


The envious looks forward to better walking when his neighbor breaks a leg. (Helmet Shoek)

The envious destroys and never builds. (Margaret Thatcher)

The envious prevents others from having good. (Aristotle)


The envious is never at peace. (Buddha)

No happiness with envy. (Frank Tyger)

The envious shoots at others and wounds himself. (English Proverb)

Rust consumes iron, envy consumes itself. (Danish Proverb)

And so,

The one envied in his life is the one loved in his grave. (Horace)

I leave you with…

Moral indignation is envy with a halo. (H. G. Wells)

Moral indignation is 2% moral, 48% indignation and 50% envy.

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