Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Jalläbi's Great Dilemma

The Jallaba, the Sudanese “Arabs”, have no proper identity. Sudan is the name of a region of a 19th century empire, and Islam is a religion shared by a more than a billion followers. They can’t even call themselves Arabs, because that lie has been exposed like the light of day. And still, they refuse to point out the elephant in the room.


The Jalläba are against racism in principle, and most of all, racism against them. The real reason why they are against racism is because they fear being its victims, from the Arabians and those who fancy themselves Arabians. Lebanese racism against the “Sudanese” is the worst of all, it crushes them in one go and makes them actually depressed for an extended period of time. Saudi and Emirati and Egyptian racism does not affect them as much. When the Lebanese call the ‘Sudanese’ “animals” or “slaves” or “coal”, it reminds them of the painful reality of their Africanness, which does not resolve their lack of identity because, still, they have to be more specific.

Whenever an instance of racism against them occurs, the Jallaba are quick to point out that it’s a minority of the Arabians who are racist, and they reject racism in all its forms etc. etc. Then they run to Arabian journalists or intelligentsia, who “lawyer” on their behalf and castigate the perpetrator with a word of rebuke on a newspaper column aka a slap on the wrist. All is forgiven, and the past is the past. They fear racism so much that they twist a Hadith well beyond its original meaning, to insinuate that Muhammad claimed that ‘racism’ is rotten. (Muhammad used another word besides ‘racism’, and was referring to something completely different.)

But the Jalläba do not acknowledge the racism they mete out to Africans, especially towards Southerners. Those who ought to do so are silent, either suffering yet another episode of cognitive dissonance, or are stewing in rage against all Southerners but too afraid to say out loud where their sympathies lie. If they were not so resentful of everyone and so humiliated, they would see more clearly and not give in to racism so easily.


The Jallaba are the biggest victims of inferiority complex. They belittle everybody from West Africans and Southerners to Saudis and Egyptians, because they are little in themselves. Every once in a while, a casual ridicule by a degenerate Arabian on television provokes a national outrage, which is insignificant because the Jalläba are laughably lacking in influence. The verbal protest that ensues, which is so polite as to invite pity, dies out in minutes if not seconds. A few Saudi journalists and vloggers take up their causes - in pity - and use their influence to give a good word on behalf of the “Sudanese” in front of the whole Arab world. Racial belittling is real, but not every scorn or word of criticism is racism, and that is addressed to the tender-hearted Jalläba.

The Jalläba are constantly humiliated by outsiders, and this has made them wary of themselves. They are fully aware of how any country can strong-arm their government and bomb any site they like on their lands – and that is not an exaggeration. Egypt took Haläyib, Ethiopia took Fashaqa, and the IDF bombed Khartoum twice. All this is a thorn in their hearts, and the blame they lay on the Islamist and terrorism-supporting government of Omar al-Bashir. It induces in them feelings of helplessness and inferiority, that they manage by: belittling Ethiopians, calling their own women chaste and pure-hearted and deeming Ethiopian girls to be cunning prostitutes; belittling Saudis by out-of-the-blue calling them primitive Bedouins to their faces; belittling Sri Lankans (as I’ve seen in one instance) by calling them maids and servants. 

The Jalläba avoid the most essential and most pressing issues, and run off to more insignificant and shorter-lasting trivialities, where the temporary comfort buys more time to avoid the painful reality: that they are cowards, that they are not upright people but depraved and wicked people; that anyone can push them around, torture their loved ones and beat their women while they watch in indifference! 

The Jalläba are quickly given to doubt, and in making tough decisions, they hesitate and stall and frustrate the process of getting any productive work done. The doubt comes from uncertainty, which comes from having cut themselves off from their ancestors and their past and not knowing where they're going. 


The Jalläba worship Saudi: they are impressed by Riyadh and Jeddah, and they wish the Saudi lifestyle for themselves. They envy the material comfort that the glorious Islamic Republic of Sudan has deprived them of. They dress their hair and bodies like the Saudis do, and they struggle to live their lives like Saudis do, despite the sheer scarcity of every essential need of life. 

And that is because they’d rather eat and drink and sleep without trouble than do something meaningful. Believe me when I say that they fear death more than anything else, and because of that they never took up arms in rebellion against the June 30 regime, who never had to ravage the Center and Center-North of the Republic of Sudan like they did to Darfur and South Sudan. 

Many Arabs who come to study or work in Khartoum are quickly disgusted with what they see. The filthy roads, the decrepit buildings, the lack of order and infrastructure maintenance, drives them into a bitter and cynical state of mind, as I’ve seen with Syrian and Palestinian university students. They see how the Jalläba are not serious about anything and hate working and activities. They remain silent, either out of politeness or fear, but I thirst for their critique of Khartoum and its people. 


The Jalläba are pariahs, unlike the Für and Zaghäwa and Masälït in Darfur and the South Nubian tribes in the Nuba mountains and the Makurian Nubians in the north of the Republic of Sudan. The Jalläba are Sudanese by citizenship, Muslim by faith, and nothing more. What was Sudanese to the world was once purely Jallabi, to the exclusion of the dozen or so ethnic groups, who know who they are and take pride in their own way of life. Now the world knows better.

And now, for (non-)issues of identity, the tactics have changed: the Jalläba reject the concept of race (while tribes mostly untouched by modernism, from the Baggära to the Dinka, make it the center of their lives), and as ancestry wanes, religion takes it place. They are Muslims now, very devout, constantly bringing up fiqh and Sharia issues, and perusing Quranic phrases in trivial conversation so frequently that you know something’s wrong with them. The positive Muslim identity is to compensate for a lacking and more essential component of identity: race and descent. 

This is not in their favor, as the East Asians and the Near Easterners and Eastern Europeans are very racially conscious, and the former apostles of colorblindness, the Western Nations and the Muslim world, are becoming more racially aware of themselves and more disillusioned with Africa’s crises, especially after the South Sudan Civil War broke out in 2013, and conclusively with the Ebola outbreak. Soon there won’t be a refuge to run to anywhere, the Sudan and East Africa and Africa in total and Asia and Europe. In fact, they will see how others will mistreat them without mercy, and how they will not listen to their appeals to Islam or humanity, or whatever weapon of choice the Jallabi has in his arsenal.


They do not know what the future will bring, nay, they’ve deluded themselves that a great and glorious future awaits them, if only the military nobodies of the June 30 coup go away. The June 30 regime will be going, going, gone with the Republic of Sudan altogether by next year. Either Janjaweed-istan or Egyptian-occupied Sudan or US-occupied Sudan will follow. Things will have become far worse than now, and they’ll pine for the June 30 regime days.

Then the Jallaba will cease to exist in the minds of others. They will become nobodies! They will be obscure, and easy prey for those who take over the new state. They will flee the new state to other countries where they will be further humiliated. Then some will come back, but so many will commit suicide and so many more will resort to violence. The spirit of the Jallaba has been broken about 510 years ago, and the time for them to confront the huge gaping hole of nothing that is their identity, is at hand! 

If you know the Jalläba, when they’re supposed to resist and fight back, they either shut down or adapt to the whims of their new oppressor. They will be at the forefront of the new Kush or Sudan or whatever, or they will go hiding into strict and confining habits that remind them of the good old days, or they throw themselves into the Nile, their life-giver handed to them by Almighty God.


Darfur and the Blue Nile state will most definitely secede from the Republic of Sudan. If they liberate their lands by arms, they will have a UN mission putting them on a mandate for independence. If they are given a referendum by a more powerful state, they will vote overwhelmingly for secession. South Sudan independence was voted for by 98.7% of the electorate, and a similar pattern of near-consensus is expected from Darfur and the Blue Nile state. South Kordofan might go too, and seizing the opportunity, the Bejas in the east might wage a war of independence as well. 

And then everything gained from 1956 will be lost or made insignificant or pathetic. The illusions of the Jallab will be robbed from them, and they will have to face the mountain-heap of repressed horrors and urgent issues that need to be solved from this very minute.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Tale of Two Discontents: Abdullah al-Qasimi and Nawal El Saadawy

"The most cruel of punishments is to be given a contrarian mind in a society that does not protest."

"Truly, talent without learning
remains like a genius idea without application
a window and a seeing eye.
It lives in permanent darkness."

"Our ideas are not accountable for our mistakes, but we are accountable for the mistakes of our ideas."

"How great and difference and how long the distance between man's morals in theory and man's morals in conduct and character!"

"Truly, what is demanded of the men of religion is the conservation of the antiquity of thought, and not impeccable conduct."

"Truly, the worst thing about the men of religion is that they tolerate corrupt men and do not tolerate thinkers."

"Truly, those who impose on us a specific code of conduct will most definitely impose on us specific pattern of thought and a specific doctrine or specific religion or specific teachings and perspectives, that is, they impose in us the conviction in those things."

"Truly to dissent in your manners from society is something you cannot do, and perhaps some of the time you can't will it. And truly, to dissent in your thoughts or in your doctrine or in your beliefs or in your manners is something that make you wretched and have you tongue-lashed, and they could lampoon you, or turn you into a defendant."

"Truly, if man is incapable of being what he wants [to be], he will go and do what he doesn't want [to do]. If he is incapable of victory, he will go and manufacture defeat."

"If those who spearheaded revolutions lived in conditions and levels better than they would find, they would not have revolted."

"I wish, no I demand, that this cry or chant or glorification be written over every Arab pulpit, on the cover of every Arab book, on the first page of every Arab newspaper, and on every Arab mouth and pen:

O dimwitted lie! 
O barefaced and shamed hypocrisy! 
O ignorant stupidity! 
O stupid ignorance! 
O obscene and sterile neigh! 
O fall from grace! 
O intellectual, mental, moral, artistic and expressional disgrace! 
Verily, for you is all glory and authority!"

Abdullah al-Qasimi, first known Saudi atheist, 1907-1996

"Can a man believe that a woman can look into his insides and explore his deepest being? 
Can he believe that a woman can make her body subservient to her heart and her mind?
That he can look in her eyes without her blinking? 
That he can hold her hand without her shaking? 
That he encloses her with him by four walls, and she gives him nothing, and leaves him, and moves on while saying, 'No, you're not the man that I want'? 
Can a man realize that there is a woman that can inspect him and test him, and then he fails on the test?"

"She converses with herself as though she were another person, a splitting of the personality that a person uses to cure severe pain, under the delusion that the pain will happen to someone else and not her."

"If four walls closed around me with a man that I don't want to give a touch, I won't give him [a touch]...and if I wanted to give myself to a man, I will give myself [to him] in front of the world without sneaking and embezzlement."

" this mistake I fell into does not fit with all this does not fit! Every person makes encompasses right and wrong...even so, we do not know right except by making mistakes...mistakes are not weakness or stupidity, but persistence in making mistakes is weakness and stupidity."

"Why didn't God create me as a bird flying in the air like that pigeon, and made me a girl? God has made me think that He preferred birds to girls."

"Humans lose their dignity when they are unable to provide for themselves."

"Is it possible that honor is an anatomical attribute that a person is either born with or without? And if the hymen is a sign of a girl's honor, what is the sign of the man's honor?"

"Woman has been deceived in this age more than she has been deceived in any other ages. This is because, the truth is that, her lowly position and the infringement on her rights has now been wrapped in superficial respect, etiquette, gentle manners with other people. And because of this external wrap, woman has not seen that her position is still lowly."

"Woman has begun to abandon her value as a human being and the sincerity of her feelings to attain the honor of apparent society. Woman has learned fakeness, and has learned to deal with society [in the same manner that] it deals with her. She has learned how to please men and have sex with him without losing her virginity. She has learned how to sell herself to the wedding knot and to repress her love forever or to practise it in secrecy."

"Repression is the cause behind the masochism of woman and the sadism of man. And from this repression springs pathological love, pathological literature, that sings the praises of pains and deprivation and torment." 

"Truly, Freud imagined that the hysteria of those women or their loud screaming from pain or grief is due their sadness over the loss of the male organ forever. And he forgot that those women were screaming and howling because of the long and sharp needles that were pricked on their bodies by witch-hunters looking for the marks of Satan."

"Humans don't die in prison from starvation or heat or cold or beatings or diseases or vermin, but die from waiting.

"Waiting turns time into timelessness, thing into nothing, meaning into meaninglessness."

"Deprivation makes the strings of our nerves strained, so we can play on it. As for satisfaction, it makes it laxed, and no melody comes out of it."

"Truly the morals standards that society puts down has to be applied to everyone regardless of gender or color or social class, and the society that believes in chastity as a moral value must apply this value to every individual in society. As for applying to one gender without the other or one social class without the other, this indicates that chastity is not a moral value but a law that is imposed by the preexisting social order."

"The honor of a person, man or woman, is sincerity: sincerity in thought and sincerity in feelings and sincerity in actions. The honorable person is the one who does not live a double life: one in public and another in secret."

"Femininity is the assertion of woman in life and her ability to use her body and mind and soul to the highest ability, and manhood is the assertion of man in life and his ability to use his body and mind and soul to the highest ability."

"A woman, no matter how attractive her body is, loses her femininity if she is stupid or weak-willed or pretentious or a liar."

"People, from fear of humiliation, are in humiliation."

"Truly the mature character is the only one that can desire freedom and strive for it without fearing it, for freedom frightens the immature and dependent person."

"I knew for the first time how victory is. Fear does nothing but defeat, and victory is never without courage."

"It is perhaps better for a person to face the world without any facts at all, than to face it with wrong facts that corrupt his nature and natural intelligence."

"Did not the cultured elite make ruin in every generation? Were they not hypocritical and deceptive in defining who the peasant was, during the days of Abdel-Nasser? Then the cultured elite and the wealthy and the writers entered the People's Assembly under the name of "peasants"? And so did the Salafis and Islamists enter Parliament under the name of God and the ballot and Sharia."

"The ruling political power is the one that defines for the people what is sacred and what is profane, what is legal and illegal, what is legitimate and illegitimate. As for truth, it is buried in history, so that the people own history-writing for themselves, so the devastated mother owns the pen, and writes by herself the history of her life."

"Childrearing in our homes has failed to produce live conscience, the system of civil and religious education has failed to evolve the male and female into sophisticated personalities. 

The sophisticated person is distinguished by the ability to overcome individual and collective responsibility, over appetites of food and sex and domination. 

The sophisticated person is not the repressed, the obsequious towards power, the tyrant over the state and family."

"We have gotten used to consuming this fake media and history, and now we no longer know the essential issues from the insignificant issues. We are addicted to this pseudo-knowledge or false mass consciousness as the youth are addicted to marijuana and heroin."  

"Medicine is not a commodity, and success is not wealth and fame. Medicine is granting health to all in need: health without strings attached or preconditions; success is to give from myself to others."

Nawal El Saadawy, Egyptian women's rights activist


Man and Woman, Yin and Yang

Where there is yin, there is yang.

Where there is man, there is woman.

Where there is masculinity, there is femininity.

Where there is courage, there is grace.

Where there is loyalty, there is affection.

Where there is steadfastness, there is submission.


Where there is no yin, there is no yang.

Where there is no man, there is no woman.

Where there is no masculinity, there is no femininity.

Where there is cowardice, there is cruelty.

Where there is treachery, there is whoredom.

When men submit, women become megalomaniacs.


Yang completes yin, yin completes yang.

Yin obliterates yang and finds that he is obliterated.

Yin oppresses yang when he finds that he is oppressed.

Questions to the Muslim World

Muslims need to stop running away from the most urgent issues, and answer the following:

1. Where does it say anywhere in the Quran or the Hadith, that a woman should dress like this? And if so, how specific do the texts go?

Answer: no verse and no hadith says such a thing.

2. Is the Quran above the Sunnah? Yes?

3. Then why do you have 7 or 8 verses in the Quran that outright mention apostates, and none of them command that apostates be killed? Instead, they will "enjoy little and weep much" and "be punished in this world and the next"?

4. Why would the Hadith contradict the Quran on the matter of leaving Islam? Why would you honor the Hadith (the personal life, attested sayings and actions of Muhammad) over the Quran (God's words)?

5. What do you care so much about what others believe? Is it because you derive your sense of worth from them?

6. Smoking is forbidden in Islam by most scholars, though no verse in the Quran nor any Hadith mentions cigarettes or even tobacco. 

Now, is Facebook forbidden? Facebook wastes people's time and distracts one from salah. It also leads to fitna *wink wink*. 

7. If the Quran allows for apostates to live their lives, and you must acknowledge that with all your heart, why not leave it at that? Is it really that hard?

8. In the Hadith, it says that there shall be no caliphate until the Mahdi comes back. Well, has the Mahdi come back? Should we still have the caliphate?

9. Why would you renounce this dunya, and still seek glory in a restored caliphate?

10. Answer honestly: If "Islam will dominate Europe", will Europe become poor and chaotic? Will Islam dominate Europe, or will clever and charming white-robed demagogues dominate Europe? Will the ruling Islamist establishment rob the poor of their living and snatch girls off their homes and kill even their own comrades? [Only the honest answer.] 

11. Are you a bit embarrassed by the Sheikhs you honor? With their hideous look, their violent tantrums and their crocodile tears?

12. Is it alright if a Sheikh screams his lungs out about something that doesn't affect the worshiper' lives, and calls for blood and violence, as the worshipers look and listen? Would you do that in a cemetery, or a morgue, or a library, or a park, or a cafe, in the street? Then why do it in a sacred place?

13. Why are certain Muslim scholars, especially Salafi ones, obsessed with graves and cemeteries? Isn't that a little bit embarrassing? Where is the obsession with grave-visiting found in the Quran?

14. Is it really alright to target defenseless people, because a fighter jet from their country bombed the home of someone who should never speak his mind against you, and whose daughter would make a good sex slave for you?

15. Arrogance and haughtiness are detested in the Quran and Hadith. So why are so many Muslims so arrogant and haughty?

16. Can the average Muslim man of today get his mind off the thought of a naked woman? Why are there positive fatwas on female circumcision? Why are there so many fatwas on sex and masturbation? Is that embarrassing? Do the Sheikhs need to improve their image and obsess less about sex and genitalia?

17. How frequent is sodomy and pederasty among Muslim communities anywhere BE HONEST.

18. Bring me the verse from the Quran that commands that the fornicating girl be killed by her father or brother. Maybe you're being a hypocrite, Mr. Our-Religion-Our-Culture Rage-Meister?

19. Does the average run-of-the-mill Muslims lack humor, hate joy, fear love and throw violent tantrums when they don't get their way? Does that exist? Is there a reason why? Maybe depression, effects of abuse of all kinds, and the fact that an honor-based society covers it up, and the perpetrators tend to be parents, imams, teachers and other revered idols?

20. Tell me, I'm frank but friendly: are you embarrassed by the daily behavior and psychopathic antics of those who don't represent the real Islam in conferences and press releases? Will you ally with anybody to get rid of these psychopaths ASAP? If not anybody, whom?

21. Is there a Buddhist ISIS, a Christian al-Qaeda or a pagan Boko Haram? If so, how far does their damage extend? And why is there so much violence from those who claim to be true Muslims? Does it embarrass you? Does it anger you? I hope so.

22. If the West was destroyed tomorrow, would you celebrate or mourn? (Know where your benefit truly lies, then you'll mourn.)

23. Have the Palestinians jeopardized their own cause? Would they have a state by now if they weren't so intent on momentary revenge? When Palestinians on the street celebrate bloodlusting revenge by Hamas or PLO rebels on innocent civilians and not on soldiers, do you see something wrong? Do you ever see that rage turned on you when, God forbid, al-Qaeda militants are generously hosted by the military and political and religious elite of a Palestinian camp in north Lebanon?

24. Honestly, and in deep introspection: what business is it of ours to get so caught up with the Palestinians? They'd like a state, they want to reestablish the caliphate with Jerusalem as its center, they want to fulfill the Hadith of the Jew, they want to deport the Jews on the holy land back to Europe. Never agreeing to one vision, building castles in the air - why get behind that?

25. Be absolutely honest, don't deny and don't lie to yourself: is it easier to chill out with an Israeli guy or a Palestinian youth? Who's more likely to make you feel anxious? Who's speech and manners are more polite and refined BE HONEST.

26. Should we help Palestinians in their cause? What would an educated Jordanian say? What would an educated Lebanese say? What would an educated Egyptian say?

27. Can you deny this statement without cognitive dissonance: When Palestinians have their state, it will have been the sole efforts of kuffar, who would have kept the 57-state Muslim block from any assertive action whatsoever. 

28. Why is a Palestinian more likely to speak his mind, gain citizenship, vote and prosper in the United States than in Saudi Arabia?

29. If the Muslim Ummah is one body, and Netanyahu is hated for his policies and wars on the Palestinians, should Erdogan be hated for his policies and wars on the Kurds, who are also mostly Sunni Muslims?

30. Who does a Sunni hate more: a Shiite or a Jew? HONEST ANSWER ONLY.

31. Where are the protests and riots all over the world over ISIS's slaughtering of Kurdish Muslims? There were protests and riots all over the world over the Netanyahu's war on trapped Gazans!

32. Pakistanis pride on being Muslims and just that. Tell me, why does the Ummah still prefer India to Pakistan? Bollywood movies, Indian culture and better-looking people living better lives?

33. How many Muslim Zionists are there in the world? Can we say tens of millions? Can we say that they're Kurds, Bangladeshis, Lebanese Sunnis, Persians, African Muslims and other peoples despised or looked down upon by Arabs? Can we say out loud the reason why?

34. Do you like this?

How frequent is this in the Arab world? Will white, black and Hispanic Americans denounce this loudly, and castigate the one who does it in their own country? 

35. Tell me, is there someone depriving you of living the life you seek? An oppressive regime, un-Islamic scholars issuing fatwas through media outlets, or the US or Israel or sectarianism? I'll tell you when I see you depriving others of the life they seek. (Which you do at least once a day, O you who is oppressed!)

36. How much do you hate me for having asked reasonable questions? So much so that you want me to die? Be honest with yourself.

The Mind of the Arab Wannabe

Psychological Compensation in the Sudanese Personality
Author Unknown

President Jaafar Nimeiry visits Sheik Zayed b. Sultan, president of the UAE, 1980



[Comments of mine are in square brackets and colored red. All pictures and their captions are my contributions.]


First Drama:

A Sudanese calls out to a Gulf Arab with the word zöl [Nubian Arabic for man]. The Gulf Arab responds that he is not a zöl. Then the Sudanese writes a long and electrifying poem, mentioning in it all the beautiful, lofty and exceptional attributes of the Sudanese people; mentioning in it: the morals...the history...the Nile...the civilization...the educated populace...the culture! This lofty poem has been gladdened with Whats-app groups for a long period of time, in joy and ecstasy for this response that has comforted the wronged souls, by making that Gulf Arab the only loser by being "not a zöl".

Not a zöl: a Gulf Arab

Second Drama:

Affluent Saudi youths go out to the desert, videotape an honest Sudanese goat-herder, and upload it onto YouTube, impressed by his honesty. The result: the crowds of the Sudanese people in the desert and towns celebrate this great victory. Thousands of status updates were made on Facebook that evening, and Whats-app messages gushed forth heavily, extolling the praises of this event that forced that Arab channel to discuss it. This event provoked discussions that had the capacity to solve all of the crises of this ruined Ummah. 

Third Drama:

A Saudi writer writes on a newspaper column, defending the Sudanese in it. He is shared on Facebook more than any Sudanese journalist.

And a fourth drama, and a fifth, and a sixth...that you know and I don't know.


Have you noticed - my noble brother - what links between all this drama?

Right answer, yes, it is thirst - thirst in the Sudanese self for acceptance from the Gulf Arab other; the persistent desire for the Sudanese soul to earn the respect and love and appreciation of the Arab other; this desire that appears as an abyss without tranquility within the inside of the Sudanese individual, that is not healed except by expressions of compliment and praise and appreciation from this other.

This gaping hole pushes the Sudanese to extract friendliness aggressively, even if it costs him to become a strange and lost person contradicting (himself), even if the matter requires him to sacrifice his life. 

What drives the thousands of this nation to restlessness and to assume the position of defending one's self, just because some "nobody" said he was "not a zöl"? Why does the Sudanese self fail to accept the announcement of the Gulf Arabs they are not zöl's with goodwill? Do they really have to be like that? Do you feel insulted by that? And would we have seen the same poems and the same emotional outburst and that defensive response, if that "nobody" was from the Central African Republic, for example?

Central African Muslims flee bloodthirsty militias, 2013
And, what calls for this patriotic frenzy, just because a Gulf Arab citizen complimented a Sudanese person doing his job, if that isn't just ego flattering?


Compensation is any behavior taken up by a person to compensate for another behavior, or to cover up a specific attribute, or to conceal a truth that cannot be changed. And it is widespread among people who do not accept themselves as they are, or do not acknowledge their reality as it is, or do not reconcile with the reality of their inner self, which becomes very obvious and demands a certain amount of time to acknowledge as well.

The Sudanese individual does not reconcile with the entity that his color is the color black without dust on it (without the influence of lighter colors), just as he is not accepting of the fact that there is an African component that dominates over the Arab component in all obviousness. And this pyschological illness - the bitter denial of the truth that everyone sees - has made the Sudanese act in compensation, as long as the plane lands him on Arab airports, which has made him strive by various means to earn the admiration from the Arab other. And it is not hard to specify the manifestations of compensation by the Sudanese in dealing with the Arabs.


And I will mention some of them - being hopeful for you - any (form of) compensation by the Sudanese personality outside of Sudan that you've seen or heard:

Displaying the Racial Differences in the Sudan:

From the common methods: the contribution of the Sudanese individual by presenting a "scientific clarification" of the racial geography in the Sudan, where he clarifies in excitement - in thankfulness - that Sudan is filled with Arab and African tribes. By this clarification, he means to lend a bit of credibility in his talk, where he will mention after a short while that his tribe is one of the Arab tribes in Sudan. And sometimes, he will recite the family tree of his tribe, that without doubt would reach the Quraish tribe. 

And here I remember the joke about the Sudanese who told a Saudi taxi driver that he was (descended from) the Sherifs (of Mecca), and you all know the rest of the story.

Implicit rejection of the color black:

The Sudanese individual focuses closely on (the fact) that the Sudan has all (shades of) colors LOL: white and black and all grades (of color) in between. And he doesn't forget to say that the Sudan has Coptic Christians, with something of bliss and relief. All this is compensation to evade the stain of the Sudanese people from the color black, which would distance them from the Arabs. And he knows - in truth - that 99 percent of the Sudanese have black skin.

Coptic Christians in a church in Khartoum 

The Turkish Grandmother and the Egyptian Roots:

And when the Sudanese discovers that  it is impossible to save the Sudan in total from the stain of the color black or the African composition, he adopts a pathological compensation to save just himself, when he mentions to his Arab listener - without any reason - that his grandmother is Turkish and his paternal grandfather is (descended) from the old Egypt migrants.

Kamal Hanafi, journalist and descendant of 19th century migrants from Egypt


The most widespread and pattern of behavior: the Sudanese frequently exaggerate in the liberality in their morals and (good) attributes towards the Arabic peoples in specific, and not towards all the people - the Ethiopians, for example. This pathetic situation confirms nothing but: that these morals are nothing but a method to extract admiration and acceptance from the Arab people, and that this is to satisfy a voracious inferiority complex.  

Vernacular Sudanese Arabic:

The Sudanese individual reiterates constantly that "the studies" show that the Sudanese vernacular (Arabic) is closest dialect to Classical Arabic. And the point of reiterating that is not a scientific purpose, as is obvious. The point is an attempt to prove the origins of the Sudanese as Arabs, the likes of them being the likes of the rest of the Arabs. And this manner that looks for recognition may be more pathological than the individual looking up the dictionaries to prove that such-and-such word is found in the old eloquent language [Classical Arabic].

Islamic Faith:

The Sudanese generally adhere to the teachings of the Islamic faith more closely in the religious societies in the (Persian) Gulf (countries). And the thing itself is not caused by direct influence as it appears, but is an attempt to assimilate into and to extract admiration from that Arab other.

Passion for Arab Causes:

The Sudanese are the most in consciousness of and in reaction to and in solidarity with the internal affairs of the Arabs. This excessive concern and sticking-one's-nose-in aims to disseminate the spirit of solidarity between Arabs. This concern takes practical steps that say, "We care for your condition, we are one people - as you know - so care for our condition." 

But psychological frustration reaches its peak when the Arabs do not care for the internal condition of the Sudanese. Then the Sudanese individual resorts to another approach, and that is by cramming into their space and informing them compulsively of the details of the reality in Sudan, then blames them afterwards for not caring about Sudan and not knowing much about it. So the thing demanded - in truth - is the care of the Arabs for us. 

The Sudanese might point out to you an unknown old saying, and that is "Beirut publishes, Cairo writes and Khartoum reads". He might point out to you that Nizar Qabbani was fond of Sudanese poets. He might point out to you of an Arab summit held in Khartoum that he calls "The Three No's". He might point out to you Umm Kulthum's visit to Khartoum in the sixties. He might point out to you that King Fahd studied in Khartoum.

Nizar Qabbani, best known Syrian poet
From the Arab summit in Khartoum, 1967 
Umm Kulthum in Nubian dress, performing in Khartoum, 1967

All these desperate and heroic attempts and all this vindication are ways to prove that the Sudanese are not less in importance than their Arab associates, and it makes obvious the fact of the extent to which the Sudanese person debases himself.


All this has made the Sudanese personality in the Persian Gulf states: bizarre, funny, inharmonious, serious, agreeable, emotional, violent, laid-back, honest, educated, criminal, that everyone is terrified of, and that everyone mocks as well. This is because the Sudanese personality does not accept itself, and does not reconcile with its reality, which creates a distorted, misunderstood and unpredictable freak.

So, my dear zöl, you are not required to prove anything, and you have no need to extract anyone's admiration. Be as you are, and do not pretend to anything. Do not exaggerate in the showing of your generosity. Do not exaggerate in showing your anger, and do not exaggerate in confirming your Arabness and Africanness. Because there is no one in the universe to whom you owe anything. Do not exaggerate in anything, except your work...or just don't exaggerate. With how much you work comes your uplifting. Be only you.



The whole article is addressed to people like

And the likes of the following persons were left out


Monday, November 24, 2014

Is gossip forbidden in Islam?


The backbiter shall not enter heaven.

But none beats the Muslim word in backbiting.

"Who is this scandaluous [woman]?  Look at this lack of modesty! Look at that...hello! hello! and peace be upon you, uncle!"

HEADING: (Gossip on the Slow Melody)

(From clockwise, right to left)


"Who is this austere groom? He hasn't made a dinner buffet!"

"Is it true, if she took the son of Umm Khalid in the Gulf, [the] moneyed and esteemed [one], it would have been better for her?"

"Abu 3üni and Abu 3isäm did not come to the wedding because it's mixed gender...let the groom be pleased, O brother!"

"Did you see the sister of the bride, Mother of the Red [Dress]? She has gone down to stripping and wearing skin-tight and smoking and she has been divorced for only a month! Did you see, my sister?"


"Happy you are, my brother! Tomorrow, you will regret, O sweet one!"

"It's unbelievable how the family of the bride has enlightened [the wedding]. They brought all their children, and it says on the card: Bringing children is prohibited."

"How savage! The family of the bride is so vulgar!"

"It's just that the bride is very short and dark and her hairstyle is something to disappoint!"

"Isn't it better if he took the daughter of Umm Saläh, blond and enchanting, hotter than the bride a million times!"


Today's Muslims preach much and act exactly contrary to much of the Quran and Sunnah. Talk is cheap.

Covetousness is the father of unfulfilled desires

Covetousness is the father of unfulfilled desires
-Yoruba proverb.


With special thanks to

Sunday, November 23, 2014

al-Mutanabbi's Selected Wisdoms

al-Mutanabbi Selected Wisdom
Beautiful Women
Beautiful women, as experienced men know,
Are but darkness wrapped in dazzling light aglow.
A life of friv'lous youth and worried age,
Its futile course to futile death will flow.
Cowards see vapid impotence as sense,
Such is treacherous villainy's defense.
Each of valour's divers forms enriches,
But valiant wisdom is of worth immense
To Sayf al-Dawla
Resolutions are measured against those who make them; generosity in accordance with the giver.
Littleness is magnified by small men, while grandeur is deprecated by the great.
Sayf al-Dawla imposes upon the army his will, yet seasoned armies cannot achieve it.
He asks from men all that he has in himself, though even lions would not claim to match that.
Dose al-Hadath know of its red color? Or which of the two pourers was a cloud?
White-streaked clouds had watered al-Hadath before his arrival; when he approached, it was inundated with skulls.
The enemy came at you, hauling their weapons as if they traveled on legless horses.
When their ranks caught the light, their swords remained unseen, since their shirts and turbans were also made from steel.
You stayed where you were, when doing so meant certain death: as if perdition itself slept while you stood in its eyelid.
Wounded and fleeting, heroes passed you by, while your face remained bright and your lips, smiling.
You surpassed the bounds of courage and understanding, until people claimed that you knew the unseen.
To you belongs the praise for these pearls I pronounce; you are the giver, I the arranger.
Oh, Sword never sheathed, whom none can doubt and from whom there is no refuge.
Blessed are warfare, glory and eminence; blessed are your subjects and all of Islam, for you are safe!
Defiantly Live
Defiantly live, or in honour die,
Midst slashing blades and banners flapping high
Rage is best dispatched by lances' points, and
Spearing spiteful chests shall their spite deny.